List of Disability Organisations in Europe

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  • Advice Center for University Applicants and Students with Disabilities
The Advice Center for University Applicants and Students with Disabilities serves to create accessible environments and provide information for all students with physical, mental or psychiatric disabilities in German universities.
  • Advice Service Capability Scotland
Advice Service Capability Scotland is a disability organization providing a broad range of services to adults and children with disabilities.
  • Aide aux Personnes A Handicap Moteur
Aide aux Personnes A Handicap Moteur works to socially integrate people with physical and motor disabilities into mainstream society. They provide a variety of services for integration.
  • Albanian Disability Rights Foundation
The Albanian Disability Rights Foundation is a non-profit organization working to empower people with disabilities and support their full integration into society.
  • All Russian Society of the Disabled
The All-Russian Society of the Disabled (ARSD) is a public, non-governmental organization with regional offices throughout Russia advocating for the rights of people with disabilities.
  • American Chronic Pain Association
The American Chronic Pain Association is a non profit organization with more than 400 chapters worldwide. It provides support groups and materials to people with chronic pain and assist through education in pain management skills.
SKIO ("AGILE") is a cross-disability umbrella organization representing 40 disability associations in Switzerland to implement change on the national level through its activities and political leverage.
  • Asociación Española de Lucha Contra la Poliomielitis
The Asociación Espanola de Lucha Contra la Poliomielitis, the Spanish Association of the Fight Against Poliomielitis, works to assist those affected by polio and with other mobility disabilities.
  • Association des Paralyses de France
The Association des Paralysés de France (APF, French Association for the Paralyzed) is an organization of and for people with mobility disabilities.
  • Association for Higher Education Access and Disability
AHEAD is a non-profit organization working to promote improved access for persons with disabilities to postsecondary education in Ireland. AHEAD has two handbooks for students or individuals desiring more information including scholarships.
  • Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
The Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus serves people who have spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus in order to expand their choices and improve their quality of life.
  • Association of Camphill Communities
The Association of Camphill Communities is a non-profit organization providing productive and supportive living environments for people with learning disabilities.
  • Associazione Italiana Assistenza agli Spastici Associazione Italiana Diabetici (Italian Diabetes Association)
The Associazione Italiana Diabetici or the Italian Diabetes Association is a non-profit voluntary organization that works on issues related to diabetics. They provide a variety of assistance to diabetics and may be of help to travelers.
  • Associazione Italiana Persone Down (Italian Association of People with Down Syndrome)
L’Associazione Italiana Persone Down (Italian Association of People with Down Syndrome) is a non profit organization with twenty-eight affiliates throughout Italy providing a variety of services to them and their families.
  • Aware Defeat Depression
Aware Defeat Depression is a voluntary organization whose aim is to assist that section of the Northern Ireland population whose lives are directly affected by depression and other disorders.
  • Biblioteca Italiana per i Ciechi (Italian Library for the Blind)
The Biblioteca Italiana per i Ciechi (Italian Library for the Blind) is a complete library for blind and visually impaired people with a complete catalog listing available online and is fully capable of producing alternate format materials.
  • Bizeps
Bizeps is a disability rights organization working to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities in Austria.
  • Brainwave - Irish Epilepsy Association
The Brainwave - Irish Epilepsy Association provides counseling, support and training services for 7,500 individual members of all ages.
  • British Council of Disabled People
The British Council of Disabled People (BCODP) is a disability-rights organization run by people with disabilities to promote their full equality and participation within society.
  • British Deaf Association
The British Deaf Association is a national organization that represents the UK's Deaf community while working on equality and accessibility issues. The BDA can provide many resources for the Deaf community throughout England.
  • British Dyslexia Association
British Dyslexia Association offer advice, information, and help to families, professionals, and dyslexic individuals. They have an array of resources including many books, journals, and a national help line.
  • British Institute of Learning Disabilities
The British Institute of Learning Disabilities (BILD) provide services that promote good practice in the provision and planning of the health and social care services for people with learning disabilities of all ages.
  • Bundersarbeitsgemeinschaft Hilfe für Behinderte e.V
The Bundersarbeitsgemeinschaft Hilfe für Behinderte e.V. (BAGH) is an umbrella organization working on issues such as integration, self-help, socio-political representation and solidarity between groups.
CAUSE is a non-profit company and community mental health agency that provides support and education for the relatives and care givers of persons with psychiatric disabilities.
  • Center Disabili Information
Center Disabili Information (Center for Disability Information) collects, elaborates and distributes information on all types of disabilities in Italy.
  • Center for Independent Living Dublin
Center for Independent Living Dublin works to promote the independence and full participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of society.
  • Centre de Readaptation
Centre de Readaptation is a professionally staffed vocational and educational institution for children with mental and learning disabilities.
  • Comhairle
Comhairle is the national support agency of Ireland responsible for the provision of information, advice and advocacy to members of the public on social services.
  • Confederación Coordinadora Estatal de Minusvalidos Fisicos de España
Confederacion Coordinadora Estatal de Minusvalidos Fisicos de Espana is a non-governmental organization working for the full integration of people with physical disabilities in Spain. They offer a variety of serivices.
  • Confederación Española de Agrupaciones De Familiares Y Enfermos Mentales
FEAFES (Confederación Española de Agrupaciones De Familiares Y Enfermos Mentales) provides services to people with psychiatric disabilities in Spain.
  • Confederación Nacional de Sordos de España
Confederación Nacional de Sordos de España is a non-profit organization affiliated with local associations of Deaf people from all over Spain. They provide a variety of resources and advocacy measures for the Deaf community.
  • Consulta Nazionale per la Salute Mentale (National Council on Mental Health)
Consulta Nazionale per la Salute Mentale (National Council on Mental Health) is a consumer mental health website that provides information on disability rights and other mental health related information.
  • Cooperative Integrate
Cooperative Integrate' mission is to promote the social, occupational and economic integration of disabled persons through the development of social cooperation.
  • COPE Foundation
The COPE Foundation is a non-profit service organization committed to providing service and advocacy to a broad spectrum of people with mental disabilities.
  • Cruz Roja Española
The Cruz Roja Espanola (Spanish Red Cross) may be able to help find personal attendants or provide other assistance.
  • Danish Center for Congenitally DeafBlind People
The Danish Center for Congenitally Deafblind People holds a nationwide responsibility for persons who are born deafblind and trains people who specialize in working with Deafblind individuals.
  • Danish Council of Organisations of Disabled People
Danish Council of Organisations of Disabled People (DSI) support sister organizations in south countries with organizational and policy development.
  • Danish Deaf Association (Danske Doves Landsforbund)
The Danish Deaf Association advocates for equal access and equal opportunities in society for Deaf people.
  • Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society (Scleroseforeningen)
The Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society (Scleroseforeningen) provides services and information for people with Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Danish Women with Disabilities
Danish Women with Disabilities is an organization linking the disability rights and the women's movement.
  • Depression Alliance
Depression Alliance is a charity organization for people affected by depression offering a variety of support services.
  • Deutsche Vereinigung fur die Rehabilitation Behinderter e.V. (German Society for Rehabilitation of the Disabled)
Deutsche Vereinigung fur die Rehabilitation Behinderter e.V. is the national organization in Germany for medical, educational, vocational and social rehabilitation.
  • Diabetes UK
Diabetes UK's mission is to improve the lives of people with diabetes in the United Kingdom. They provide extensive information and other services pertaining to diabetics including a help line with multi-language translators.
DIAL UK is a national organization with a network of 140 local disability information and advice centers for people with disabilities.
  • Disability Action
Disability Action is a non-profit that works to ensure that people with disabilities attain their full rights as citizens through a number of services and community based centers.
  • Disability Awareness in Action Network
Disability Awareness in Action is an international human rights network, run for and by disabled people providing for the exchange of information between disabled people and their representative organizations.
  • Disability Care Province of Antwerpen
The Disability Care Province of Antwerpen serves people with moderate and severe mental disabilities, behavioural disorders and mental illnesses.
  • Disability Federation of Ireland
The Disability Federation of Ireland is a national umbrella organization of voluntary agencies that supports the work of voluntary organisations who provide services to people with disabilities.
  • Disability NOW
Disability NOW gathers and distributes information that benefits and concerns people with disabilities and special educational needs.
  • Disabled Drivers Association of Ireland
The Disabled Drivers Association of Ireland provides information, training and exchange services for adults and youth with physical disabilities.
  • Disabled Drivers’ Association
The Disability Drivers’ Association promotes independence through enhanced mobility, provides an information service, and campaigns to advance the cause of disabled people.
  • Disabled Parents Network
Disabled Parents Network provides support and information on all aspects of pregnancy and parenting for people with disabilities.
  • Disabled People Switzerland
  • ASKIO is a National Assembly Member of DPI. DPI and its individual country members advocate for the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities in all aspects of life worldwide.
  • Disabled Peoples' International
Disabled Peoples' International and its individual country members advocate the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities in all aspects of life worldwide.
  • Disabled Peoples' International - Italy
Disabled Peoples' International Italy is a National Assembly Member Disabled Peoples' International which advocates for the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities in all aspects of life worldwide.
  • Dovenschap
Dovenschap is an organization of volunteers that advocates for Deaf and hearing impaired in the Netherlands.
  • Dutch Council of the Chronically Ill and the Disabled
The Dutch Council of the Chronically ill and the Disabled is an umbrella organization, consisting of associations of people with a chronic illness or a disability.
  • Enabling Education Network
EENET works in a global context to promote the inclusion of marginalized groups in the education systems.
  • Ente Nazionale Sordomuti
Ente Nazionale Sordomuti (ENS) is a national agency for advocating the rights of deaf and hard of hearing persons. Their website provides information on many issues concerning the deaf community.
  • Epilepsy Scotland
Epilepsy Association of Scotland (EAS) is an organization that deals with a variety of issues pertaining to people with epilepsy. They are a great resource for people seeking information over epilepsy.
  • European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education
The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education is an independent, self-governing organization that can provide in-depth country specific information and contacts in the special needs education field.
  • European Alliance of Muscular Dystrophy Associations
The European Alliance of Muscular Dystrophy Associations works with people with neuromuscular disorders.
  • European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities
EASPD aims at playing a key role on a European level as a representative of Disability NGOs and non-profit organizations in working for an inclusive Europe. EASPD also organizes informative workshops and conferences.
  • European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters
The European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters (EFSLI) is an NGO that can provide support services to Sign Language Interpreters, interpreter trainees, the trainers, and users and providers of interpreting services.
  • European League of Stuttering Associations
The European League of Stuttering Associations provides information, networking and lobbying services for their members.
FEAPS is an umbrella organization that advocates for the rights of people with developmental disabilities in coordination with affiliates throughout Spain. FEAPS is also a member of Inclusion International.
  • Federación de Asociaciones de Minusválidos de Madrid
Federación de Asociaciones de Minusválidos de Madrid (FAMMA) advocates and provides a variety of services for people with physical disabilities in Madrid, Spain and surrounding area.
  • Federación ECOM
Federación ECOM can assist in planning visits for people with disabilities or serve as a resource for disabled foreigners in Spain.
  • Fédération des Aveugles et Handicapés Visuels de France
Fédération des Aveugles et Handicapés Visuels de France is a non profit organization that provides a variety of services to assist the visually impaired and Blind of all ages in all pertinent issues.
  • Fédération National des Sourds de France
Fédération Nationale des Sourds de France represents people who are Deaf and hard of hearing at the local and national level..
  • Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane dei Para-tetraplegici (Federation of Italian Associations of Paraplegia)
Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane dei Para-tetraplegici (Federation of Italian Associations of Paraplegia) conducts a number of activities advocating disability rights, the right to education, employment and self-determination.
  • Félag Heyrnarlausra / Icelandic Deaf Organization
The Icelandic Deaf Organization's goal is to protect, promote and advocate for the equal rights and improved quality of life of the Deaf and hard of hearing people of Iceland.
  • Finnish Association of People with Mobility Disabilities
Finnish Association of People with Mobility Disabilities (FMD) is a non-profit organization working to promote equal opportunities and human rights for people with disabilities.
  • Fondation suisse en faveur de l'enfant infirme moteur cérébral
Fondation suisse en faveur de l'enfant infirme moteur cérébral (CEREBRAL) encourages, informs and supports children with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy and other mobility disabilities and their families.
  • Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities
The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities aims to work with people with learning disabilities to improve the quality of their lives through funding research and service development projects.
  • Fundación ONCE Perro Guía
Fundación ONCE Perro Guía is a guide dog foundation in Spain. It raises, educates, trains, and delivers guide dogs to the Blind and persons with visual impairments.
  • Funksjonshemmedes Fellesorganisasjon (Norwegian Federation of Organisations of Disabled People)
Funksjonshemmedes Fellesorganisasjon is a National Assembly Member of DPI. DPI and its individual country members advocate the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities in all aspects of life worldwide.
  • Galway County Association for Mentally Handicapped Children
The Galway County Association provides comprehensive community based services to adults and children with mental or learning disabilities.
  • Goodwill Industries International USA
Goodwill Industries International promotes the full participation in society of people with disabilities and special needs through a network of community-based, non-profit Goodwill affiliated organizations.
  • Groupement Francais des Personnes Handicapées
Groupement Francais des Personnes Handicapees orks to affirm the rights and choices of all people with disabilities and takes action to support their independent living.
  • Handicap International
Handicap International (HI) is a mutli-national, non-governmental association working to improve the living conditions of individuals faced with disabilities or otherwise vulnerable.
  • Hellenic Society for Disabled Children
The Hellenic Society for Disabled Children is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that provides protection, therapy, rehabilitation and educational services to children with physical disability from birth to 16.
  • Holiday Care
Holiday Care Service is the UK's central source of holiday and travel information and support for disabled and disadvantaged people.
  • Independent Living Institute
The Institute on Independent Living serves self-help organizations of disabled people who work for equal opportunities, self-determination, and self-respect. The Institute provides a variety of resources including a full-text library.
  • Info-Handicap
Info-Handicap's main mission is the concert action between its member organizations in order to improve the general situation of disabled persons in Luxembourg , mainly in the field of awareness raising.
  • Information Center for Acquired Deafblindness
The Information Center for Acquired Deafblindness aims to collect, adapt, and develop the latest research findings to assist those with impairments to their sight and hearing.
INSIEME is a disability organization that defends the interests of people with mental disabilities. They focus on eliminating discrimination, abuse and neglect of people with intellectual disabilities.
  • Instituto de Migraciones y Servicios Sociales
Instituto de Migraciones y Servicios Sociales is a state agency for people with disabilities in Spain. They may provide a number of services including information on issues pertaining to people with disabilities while in Spain.
  • International Bureau for Epilepsy
The International Bureau for Epilepsy is an organisation of laypersons and professionals working to improve the quality of life of all persons with epilepsy.
  • International Cerebral Palsy Society
International Cerebral Palsy Society is a world-wide self-help group working for people with cerebral palsy their families and professionals who work with them providing training and expertise to develop and improve service provision.
  • International Committee of Silent Sports
The International Committee of Silent Sports is an organization aiming at establishing a union between all deaf sporting federations. They hold professional sporting competitions for the Deaf every four years in their Summer/Winter sports.
  • International Federation for Hard-of-Hearing Young People
The International Federation of Hard-of-Hearing Young People is a non-profit organization working to improve the lives of young people who are Deaf or hearing impaired in Denmark.
  • International Federation of Hard of Hearing
The International Federation of Hard of Hearing People is a volunteer organization working to improve the quality of life for people who are Deaf or hard-of-hearing worldwide.
  • International Wheelchair Basketball Federation
The International Wheelchair Basketball Federation organizes and set standards for international wheelchair basketball competitions.
  • Irish Deaf Society
Irish Deaf Society is an organization that advocates for improving the situation of sign language and access to education, information and services for Deaf people.
  • Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind
Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind provides a residential mobility service for the blind community by training guide dogs and providing long-cane mobility training free of charge.
  • Irish Kidney Association
The Irish Kidney Association is a national, consumer organization providing support to kidney patients and their families.
  • Irish Wheelchair Association
The Irish Wheelchair Association advocates for and provides directs services to people with physical disabilities.
  • ISL e.V. - Disabled Peoples' International - Germany
ISL e.V. - Disabled Peoples' International Germany is a National Assembly Member of Disabled Peoples' International which advocates for the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities in all aspects of life worldwide.
  • Katina
Katina is a National Assembly Member of DPI. DPI and its individual country members advocate the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities in all aspects of life worldwide.
  • La ONCE
La ONCE or the Spanish National Organization of the Blind is a public law corporation whose membership is open to the blind and the visually impaired. They provide many programs and assistance to the visually impaired in Spain.
  • Liga Portuguesa dos Deficientes Motores
Liga Portuguesa dos Deficientes Motores is a non-profit organization providing advocacy and services for people with disabilities in Lisbon.
  • Manic Depression Fellowship
Manic Depression Fellowship (MDF) is a self-help, user-led organization for people with manic depression providing a variety of services.
  • Mason Perkins Deafness Fund
The Mason Perkins Deafness Fund provides a number of services to deaf and deaf-blind children in Italy and works in all areas of this field to strengthen support networks for this group of children.
  • Mental Health Association of Ireland
The Mental Health Association of Ireland is a voluntary organization that aims to promote positive mental health and to actively support persons with mental illness, their families and care givers through advocacy work.
  • Mental Health Foundation
The Mental Health Foundation (MHF) is a charity foundation working in mental health and learning disabilities. The NHF provides a variety of informational services from children to adults in later life.
  • Mind
Mind, a mental health charity, offers booklets, information and referral, and other resources to mental health consumers and professionals.
  • Mobility Information Service
Mobility Information Service provides physically disabled driver assessment, advice and information on a variety concerns for drivers with disabilities affecting mobility.
  • Mobility International Switzerland
Mobility International Switzerland is an organization which assists travelers with disabilities in Switzerland.
  • Mobility International Vlaanderen (Flanders)
Mobility International Vlaanderen (Flanders) works with people with physical and mental disabilities, promoting exchanges for the purpose of holidays for people with disabilities.
  • Muscular Dystrophy Ireland
The Muscular Dystrophy Ireland is a membership organization providing a wide variety of services to people with muscular dystrophy, and other neuromuscular conditions, and their families.
  • National Centre for Independent Living
National Centre for Independent Living is a project of the British Council of Disabled People created to provide information, advice and training on independent living and personal assistance
  • National Childbirth Trust
National Childbirth Trust is a national UK network supporting people with disabilities in pregnancy and parenthood.
  • National Council for the Blind of Ireland
The National Council for the Blind of Ireland (NCBI) advocates for people who are blind or visually impaired through their various centers throughout Ireland.
  • National Rehabilitation Board
The National Rehabilitation Board is a state sponsored body which provides services to people with disabilities, works to create an awareness of disability issues.
  • Nederlandse Cystic Fibrosis Stichting
The Nederlandse Cystic Fibrosis Stichting (NCFS) is a parent-and-patient led organization for people with cystic fibrosis (CF) in the Netherlands. The NCFS gathers and provides information about CF to patients, parents and experts.
  • Netherlands Institute for Care and Welfare
The Netherlands Institute for Care and Welfare is an independent organization, which targets innovation and improvement in the care and welfare sector. They provided services for people with disabilties and others.
  • Norges Blindeforbund (Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted)
Norges Blindeforbund provides information and advocacy for people with visual impairments.
  • Norwegian Association of the Disabled
The Norwegian Association of the Disabled is a national organization which advocates for the rights of people with disabilities in Norway.
  • Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Rehabilitation
Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Rehabilitation is an umbrella organization for 61 disability groups in Austria working to promote the rights and needs of disabled persons.
  • Paraplegics Association of Greece
Paraplegics Association of Greece is a National Assembly Member of DPI. DPI and its individual country members advocate the equalization of opportunities for people with disabilities in all aspects of life worldwide.
  • PHAB Ltd
Phab England is a membership organization offering support, training, and social activities aimed at the full and equal integration of disabled people into society.
  • PHAB Northern Ireland
PHAB Northern Ireland provides holiday exchanges, rehabilitation, training, education and independent living services for people with physical disabilities.
  • Physically Handicapped Rehabilitation Fund
The Physically Handicapped Rehabilitation Fund provides for the vocational and social rehabilitation of people with disabilities in Malta.
  • Quota International
Quota International is a volunteer service organization offering services, including college scholarships, to people who are Deaf, hard of hearing or have speech impairments.
RADAR is a national disability-led organization, which publishes access guides and works to promote best practices, policies and laws that enables people with disabilities to live independently in the community.
  • Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad
Real Patronato sobre Discapacidad works on disability policy issues, has a library of accessibility guides and maps for Spain and produces a book listing many state and nongovernmental disability agencies.
  • Rehab Group
The Rehab Group provides a range of services to people with disabilities and other special needs, including assessment, rehabilitation, vocational services, training, employment support, and independent living skills.
  • Rehabilitation International
Rehabilitation International works for the prevention of disability, the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities and the equalization of opportunities in society for people with disabilities worldwide.
  • Rethink
Rethink is a mental illness disability organization that provides a wide range of community services including employment projects, supported housing, day services, informational services, residential care, and respite centers.
  • Royal National Institute for Deaf People
Royal National Institute for Deaf People offers a wide varity of services and advocacy for Deaf people in the UK.
  • Royal National Institute for the Blind
The Royal National Institute for the Blind provides a wide range of information and services for people who are blind or visually impaired in the UK.
  • Samhall Group
The Samhall Group is a state run business providing meaningful employment for people with occupational disabilities while developing their vocational skills.
SCOPE provides services for people with cerebral palsy and associated disabilities and works for the equality of people with disabilities.
  • Scottish Association for Mental Health
The Scottish Association for Mental Health is a mental health advocacy organization that provides a variety of services to people with psychological disabilities.
  • Scottish Council on Deafness
The Scottish Association of the Deaf is the Scottish national coordinating body for voluntary and statutory organizations which cater for a wide range of needs of the Deaf. They provide a variety of resources for the Deaf.
  • Scuola Nazionale Cani Guida per Ciechi (National School of Guide Dogs for the Blind)
Scuola Nazionale Cani Guida per Ciechi (National School of Guide Dogs for the Blind) is involved in all aspects of training and raising guide dogs for blind and visually impaired people in Italy.
  • Sense International
Sense International is a non-profit organization working to improve access to services for people who are deaf-blind.
  • Service Foundation for the Deaf
Service Foundation for the Deaf provides a variety of services for the Deaf and Deaf-Blind through out Finland.
  • Shaw Trust
Shaw Trust provides rehabilitation, skills assessments, vocational training, development of life skills, and work preparation for people with disabilities.
  • Skill: The National Bureau for Students with Disabilities
Skill: The National Bureau for Students with Disabilities is a voluntary group based in London that works to develop opportunities for students with disabilities.
  • Solidarios para el Desarollo
Solidarios para el Desarollo or Solidarity for Development is a NGO working on solidarity efforts for those in need in society. Their program on students with disabilities helps students to fully integrate into the university.
  • SPD
SPD is an independent organization specializing in providing free information, advice, services and support to persons with disabilities, their parents and caregivers.
  • Special Olympics, Inc.
Special Olympics, Inc. is an international program of year-round sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with mental retardation.
  • Stamperia Braille
Stamperia Braille is a public-owned Braille press in Italy that provides Braille transcription services among others. They have a catalog of transcribed works in Braille that can be requested free of charge.
  • Support Coalition International
The Support Coalition International (SCI) is a nonprofit organization that supports and promotes organizations working for the rights of people labeled with mental disabilities.
  • Svenska Handikapporganisationers Internationella (Swedish Org. of Disabled International Aid Federation)
Svenska Handikapporganisationers Internationella (SHIA) represents a collaboration of Swedish disability associations organizing development projects and people with disabilities in countries around the world.
  • Swedish Association of Neurologically Disabled
The Swedish Association of Neurologically Disabled serves approximately 15,000 people of all ages with disabilities of various neurological diagnoses.
TRIPSCOPE provides travel information for people with disabilities and people who have special needs which lead to problems with mobility and travel. They provide an extensive and free travel assistance service.
  • Union Nationale des Associations de Parents et Amis de Personnes Handicapées Mentales
Union Nationale des Associations de Parents et Amis de Personnes Handicapées Mentales (UNAPEI) is a member organization of Inclusion International, an organization that advocates for the rights of people with developmental disabilities.
  • Unione Italiana Ciechi (Italian Union of the Blind)
The Italian Union of the Blind advocates for equal rights and integration of people who are blind or visually impaired in Italy. They can provide a variety of services.
  • Unione Nazionale delle Associazioni per la Salute Mentale (Italian Association for Mental Health)
Associazione Italiana per la Salute Mentaleis a national association of mental health organizations in Italy advocating for people with psychiatric disabilities and their families. Activities are carried out by local organizations.
  • United Nations Global Program on Disability
The Division for Social Policy and Development of the United Nations Secretariat in New York is the focal point within the United Nations system on matters relating to disability. It provides a number of services and information.
  • VSA Arts
Very Special Arts is an international organization with affiliates worldwide that provide programs in creative writing, art, drama, music and dance for people with disabilities.
  • WHO Disability and Rehabilitation Progamme
The Disability and Rehabilitation Program Team of the World Health Organization works to enhance the quality of living and equal opportunities for all persons with disabilities.
  • WinVisible - Women with Visible and Invisible Disabilities
  • World Blind Union
World Blind Union promotes equal opportunities for blind and visually impaired people, Deaf-Blind persons and blind people with multiple disabilities worldwide.
  • World Federation of the Deaf
The World Federation of the Deaf emphasizes removing barriers to communication, improving the situation of sign language and increasing access to education, information and services for people who are Deaf.
  • World Institute on Disability
World Institute on Disability is an international center for the study and development of public policy on disability and independent living.
  • World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
The World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry provides a global forum and voice of users and survivors of psychiatry to promote their rights and interests.
  • Öryrkjabandalag Íslands (Organization of Disabled in Iceland)
Örykjabalandag Islands (ÖBI) is a service organization made up of 27 organizations representing people of all ages with physical and mental disabilities.
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